Micki/Mom portrait  Micki's Journey
  September 30, 2003: We created this site in February 1999 to keep loved ones informed as Mom, a.k.a. Micki, was undergoing treatment for a cancerous brain tumor. The few pages we called "MickiNews" then evolved: Mom and other family members shared reflections, a guestbook allowed visitors to contribute their thoughts, a photo gallery provided more visuals, and visitors heard Mom's voice through her singing.

And, as the audience grew and we accepted that she was dying, the site became a way for Mom to achieve her dream of a worldwide ministry of joy. Mom died in October of 1999.

We hope that the site will continue to be a helpful resource. Please feel free to email us at - and thank you for visiting!

last updated September 30, 2003
11807 visits from July 28, 1999 to March 7, 2003