micki portrait Erik/Dad writes

Public Domain images taken from NOAA (Thanks ATO).


Dozens of robins, scratching and fluttering on the front lawn, greeted Micki and me as we drove over Possum Creek returning from this morning's radiation treatment. They will be in New England in a few weeks, part of the vanguard that heralds another spring. The twice-daily treatments are now in their final week. One deeply personal element midst all the buzzing and hushed efficiency remains the Healing Quilt that we spread over Micki before the radiation starts. This "roving quilt," which our friend Wendy Wheeler used during her chemotherapy, was lovingly stitched together by a network of women in Maine.

We spent this past Saturday night in Islamorada on the Florida Keys. Last week Micki made the decision to swim with dolphins, and she reserved an entire section of the dolphin complex at Theatre of the Sea. On Sunday morning a beaming Micki slipped into the 77 degree water of the Gulf Steam and frolicked - tearfully and smiling - with Echo and Thunder. Audible clicking kisses, snuzzling interest in her head, and patient acceptance of Micki's hugs, these two loving mammals helped Micki fulfill a lifelong dream. Blake and I were delighted valets and chauffeurs for the roundtrip adventure that took us singing, snacking. and napping the entire length of Florida.

Friday (2/12) Micki will have a MRI to see what the radiation and all the visualization, prayers, and love have done to the tumor. Getting a clear image of just what's happening can be tricky in the midst of the radiation. We all are hopeful that this tracking will give us some clues about possible next steps in the medical protocol. At the end of February, Micki and I will be heading out to Santa Barbara for a residential workshop with Carl Simonton, my visualization mentor of twenty-three years ago. This weeklong gathering convenes in a charming, old convent and focuses on imagery and our long held personal beliefs about health and purpose. We are also looking forward to spending time with Micki's Godmother, Adelaide Hixon, in Pasadena.

Jody flies in tomorrow evening for a much-anticipated long weekend. Micki, Blake, and I are excited about being together with her as a family unit once again. On Sunday Micki will preach her final sermon at the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville. The new minister has been elected and Micki's interim role is complete. A weekend break in the radiation means that Micki's energy will have recovered a bit for doing a full service. I need not remind any of you that, once committed, Micki will follow through.

Each of us wrestles with the reality that thus far the radiation is the sole source of any noticeable problems. The loss of hair reminds us that a struggle is underway. Lots of sleeping during the day and a fleeting appetite speak volumes about Bingham/Rossbach genes now totally focused on healing . Your cards and gifts leave Over The Bridge brimming with love and hope. Know that that glow on the southern horizon is our grateful family reflecting back the outpouring of support.

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